Thanks For a Great 2010!
Friday, December 31, 2010As 2010 comes to an end, I would like to thank all my readers, colleagues, staff, friends, and family (not necessarily in that order and some will find themselves in several of the above categories) for a great year!
Most of all, I would like to thank my patients, who continue to teach me how complex (and I don’t mean just complicated!) obesity actually is – a constant humbling reminder of how limited our approaches to conquering this devastating condition actually are (only simpletons continue to think that the solutions to obesity are simple).
With so much happening, it is difficult to pinpoint some specific highlights, although these may qualify:
– Another great Obesity Network Student Summit (thanks again Zach and Angela)
– Another fun Obesity Summer Boot Camp (thanks again Paul, Denis and all the rest of the faculty)
– A most timely (and hopefully fruitful) Bariatric Care Workshop co-hosted by the Canadian Obesity Network and CIHR-INMD (thanks to Phil and Paul)
– Publication of the SCOUT study and presentation of the results at an US-FDA advisory committee hearing (despite the rather negative consequences for the drug concerned).
– Attending the Recovery from Addiction Workshop, where I realised that the relationships and similarities between obesity and addiction are much closer than I thought (thanks to Nancy and the Norlien Foundation for the opportunity to attend)
– Receiving the 2010 Outstanding Health Professional Award from the Canadian Diabetes Association’s Regional Awards Committee (Northern Alberta & North West Territories)
– A successful LOI for the 2011 NCE Knowledge Mobilization competition (thanks to all my co-applicants and supporters – looks like a busy year ahead)
– Submission of a business plan for a comprehensive and ambitious provincial obesity strategy to senior Alberta Health Services Executive (special thanks to Angie and all her great staff for this incredible piece of work – let’s now hope for funding!)
– Publication of BEST WEIGHT: a Practical Guide to Office-Based Weight Management (thanks to everyone, who helped make this happen)
If a quick glance at my calendar for 2011 is any indication, I should be in for a year that is likely to be as interesting and rewarding as 2010 has been.
I thank each and everyone of you for your continuing support!
Here’s to a healthy, happy and prosperous 2011 for all.
Berlin, Germany