Zooming Forward to New Connections

This week I am attending the joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) and the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders – European Chapter (IFSO-EC) in Maastricht, held under the timely title ZoomForward2022.

Indeed, after two years of virtual meetings on Zoom and other platforms, it is finally time to meet friends and colleagues again in-person. 

Given the hiatus, for many young students, postdocs, residents, and other trainees, this may be their first opportunity to meet and connect with their peers in-person. 

I therefore thought it would be appropriate to remind everyone of a previous post on how to get the most out of scientific meetings – a guide for early career participants

The key messages, that I think will be most useful to anyone starting out their careers (and perhaps for some older folks) are summarized in this video on YouTube.

Hopefully, these tips, based on my own strategies and tactics, that have helped me throughout my career, will help you get the most out of the next few days (or any other scientific meeting you may attend in the future).

See you in Maastricht.
Berlin, D