Your Chance To Weigh In on a Rudd Centre Study

Rudd Centre for Food Policy & Obesity

Rudd Centre for Food Policy & Obesity

Many regular readers are probably with the Rudd Centre for Food Policy and Obesity, which has long championed the issue of weight bias and discrimination.

This centre was an important partner in the Canadian Obesity Network’s own efforts to address this issue during the Toronto Summit on Weight Bias and Discrimination and is again partnering with the Network on a study to assess cross-cultural public opinions about body weight, health and related policies.

Readers in Canada, US and Australia can take part in this study by responding to the short study survey by clicking here.

You can further support the study by e-mailing and reposting this link to your friends and colleagues – the more diverse the people who respond to this survey, the more representative the results.

As a small incentive individuals (from Canada) who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing with a 1-in-20 chance of winning a $20 gift certificate to (there may be other incentives for readers in the US and Australia).

Your help and support is very much appreciated.

Edmonton, AB