Why Do We Expect Less From People With Obesity?

Jonathan Antoine and Charlotte Jaconelli on Britain's Got Talent 2012

Jonathan Antoine and Charlotte Jaconelli on Britain's Got Talent 2012

Today’s post is about a brief snippet taken from the 2012 auditions for Britain’s Got Talent, the UK equivalent of American Idol (complete with Simon Cowell in his usual role).

As the video will not embed on my site – you will have to click here to watch it on YouTube.

I ask you to watch it and send me your take on why the expectations of the panel and the audience (especially when they see Jonathan) were so low and their following response so enthusiastic. Would the expectations and response have been different had Jonathan not had an obvious weight problem? Why, does his weight even matter on a show that is about talent?

I very much appreciate your responses.

Edmonton, Alberta

Hat tip to Tony for pointing me to this video