There’s a Dad for That!
Friday, June 15, 2012This weekend some of my readers will be celebrating Father’s Day – hope you have a great time.
In case anyone is wondering about the importance of being a dad, click here for a link to to the Alberta Father Involvement Initiative:
Apparently AFII has been around since 2009, when several organizations developed an action plan to promote father Involvement in Alberta in light of the fact that fatherlessness presents a significant challenge in relation to healthy child development and resiliency.
AFII is committed to strong, healthy children by affirming and valuing the bond between fathers and their children, The AFII works to provide relevant and well-crafted information for fathers and for individuals, agencies, and programs working with fathers.
This initiative encourages the responsible involvement of fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, and any other man who is influencing a child. Fathers play a vital role in the healthy development of children. Amazing things happen to kids, moms, the community, and to dads, when men give their time, attention, and focus to the children they are raising.
The The Edmonton Father Involvement Network (EFIN) values and promotes the role of fathers in all families.
The Edmonton Father Involvement Network is always looking for new members – for more information contact Roberta Wells – or Karen Caine –
Or just ‘like’ AIIF on FaceBook.
Happy Father’s Day weekend everyone!
Edmonton, Canada