The 5As of Obesity Management™
Wednesday, May 23, 2012Yesterday, I posted on the 5 core principles of obesity management that evolved out of extensive work with patients, primary care practitioners and obesity experts.
In order to operationalise these principles, they have been integrated into a modification of the well-known 5A framework that has been used to address smoking cessation, improving physical activity and a wide range of other health interventions.
To be applicable to obesity management, the 5As (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, Arrange) had to be significantly modified, but the principles remain.
In short, the 5As of Obesity Management™ are:
- Ask for permission to discuss weight and explore readiness for change.
- Assess obesity related health risk and potential “root causes” of weight gain.
- Advise on obesity risks, discuss benefits treatment options.
- Agree on realistic weight-loss expectations and on a SMART plan to achieve behavioral goals.
- Assist in addressing drivers and barriers, offer education and resources, refer to provider, and arrange follow-up.
More information for health professionals and ordering information on the 5As of Obesity Management™ can be found here.
Philadelphia, PA