Like Father, Like Daughter
Monday, May 25, 2009Regular readers of these pages know that I rarely mention personal stuff on this blog. Today is an exception, as I would like to plug my daughter Linnie’s new blog, which I am sure many of you may find of interest (some of you may actually have suffered through her Pilates sessions at the recent Obesity Summit).
Linnie’s blog, which she calls “Don’t Reduce me to Eye Candy” (or Dr Eye Candy for short) is about peoples’ obsession with beauty and body shape. Growing up with a dad, who deals with obesity as a profession, it is not totally unexpected that Linnie has her own thoughts and ideas on this topic.
Of course, having a degree in Communication Studies from McMaster University (Hamilton) and a diploma in Marketing Management from Humber College (Toronto), means that she’s actually learnt how to bring a point across. As her dad, of course, I am convinced that she’s got enough natural talent and insights to make her mark – but, then again, I am just the dad – so go ahead and read for yourself…
Edmonton, Alberta