Obesity & Energetic Offerings, April 5, 2013
Saturday, April 6, 2013For several months now, my colleagues at the University of Alabama have been compiling a weekly list of selected obesity related articles in a list they call Obesity and Energetic Offerings.
The list is compiled by David B. Allison, Michelle Bohan-Brown, Emily Dhurandhar, Kathryn Kaiser, and Andrew Brown.
The following is a selection of articles from this week’s list that caught my attention:
Findings Contrary to Hypotheses or Popular Ideas
Neither food access nor income account for the variability in fruit and vegetable purchases.
- Basic Science
- Microbes and obesity: interrelationship between infection, adipose tissue and the immune system.
- T-bet deficient mice had improved insulin sensitivity despite being obese.
- White blood cell enzyme contributes to inflammation and obesity.
- Interventions to limit gestational weight gain: a systematic review of theory and meta-analysis of intervention components.
- RCT: Commercially available portion-controlled meal plan can induce clinically meaningful improvements in weight and glycemic control in obese individuals with type 2 diabetes.
- Family-based models for childhood-obesity intervention: A systematic review of RCTs.
- Lipoprotein subfractions in metabolic syndrome and obesity: Clinical significance and therapeutic approaches.
- RCT: The effects of an 8-week multicomponent inpatient treatment program on body composition and anaerobic fitness in overweight and obese children and adolescents.
- Timing and duration of obesity in relation to diabetes.
- Study shows community approach effective in fight against diabetes.
Energetics, Evolution, & Ecology
- Unintended Consequences of Obesity-Targeted Health Policy.
- Virtual Mentor: Special Issue – Effects of Lifestyle on Health Status.
- Legal Challenges to Government Lifestyle Interventions.
- Less Physical Activity: Obesity Cause or Effect?
- RCT: Facebook-based physical activity intervention for young adult cancer survivors.
- Conserved shifts in the gut microbiota due to gastric bypass reduce host weight and adiposity.
- Is glycaemic index (GI) a valid measure of carbohydrate quality?
- RCT: School snacks decrease morbidity in Kenyan schoolchildren.
- RCT: The effect of peanut and grain bar preloads on weight loss.
- From obesity genetics to the future of personalized obesity therapy.
- Finding the missing heritability in pediatric obesity: the contribution of genome-wide complex trait analysis.
- Imaging cardiac fat.
- Compact high power barium nitrite crystal-based Raman laser at 1197 nm for photoacoustic imaging of fat.
- Issues in characterizing resting energy expenditure in obesity and after weight loss.
- Energy expenditure by multisensor armband in overweight and obese lactating women validated by doubly labeled water.
- Accuracy of SenseWear Pro2 armband to predict resting energy expenditure in childhood obesity.
- Medaka fish, Oryzias latipes, as a model for human obesity-related glomerulopathy.
- The imbibing idiot bias: Consuming alcohol can be hazardous to your (perceived) intelligence.
- Is sensitivity to reward associated with the malleability of implicit inclinations toward high-fat food?
- No relationship between academic achievement and BMI among fourth-grade, predominantly African-American children.
- Quake affects women’s eating habits.
For a complete list and to directly join this list, please click here.
Jasper, Alberta