Obesity & Energetic Offerings
Saturday, February 16, 2013For several months now, my colleagues at the University of Alabama have been compiling a weekly list of selected obesity related articles in a list they call Obesity and Energetic Offerings.
The list is compiled by David B. Allison, Michelle Bohan-Brown, Emily Dhurandhar, Kathryn Kaiser, and Andrew Brown.
The following is this week’s list – the selection are theirs, not mine:
Findings Contrary to Hypotheses or Common Beliefs
- RCT: Calorie menu labeling had no effect on total calories ordered. Click Here
- The density of healthy food outlets did not predict consumption of fruits or vegetables in NYC. Click Here
- Densities of supermarkets and other retail outlets are not associated with fruit and vegetable purchases. Click Here
- Non-monotonic relation of dietary energy density to body composition and growth in pigs. Click Here
- Are plant-based diets environmentally friendly? Click Here
- Compared with infants fed formulas, infants fed breast milk had higher fat mass at age 3 months, and lower fat-free mass at age 6-12 months. Click Here
- Unambiguous Identification of Obesity Trials. Click Here
- Substitution Patterns Can Limit the Effects of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes on Obesity. Click Here
- RCT: Effects of Caloric and Non-caloric Beverages Consumed Freely at Meal-time on Ad libitum intake. Click Here
- RCT: Neither HFCS nor table sugar increases liver fat under ‘real world’ conditions. Click Here
- RCT: Four hypocaloric diets containing different levels of sucrose or high fructose corn syrup do not produce different weight losses.Click Here
Basic Science
- X and Y Chromosome Complement Influence Adiposity and Metabolism in Mice. Click Here
- The immune system’s involvement in obesity-driven type 2 diabetes. Click Here
- Accelerated fat cell aging links oxidative stress and insulin resistance in adipocytes. Click Here
- Asthma drug amlexanox reverses obesity and diabetes in mice. Click Here
- Children with obese fathers show epigenetic changes that may affect their health. Click Here
- Chronic treatment with a melanocortin-4 receptor agonist causes weight loss, reduces insulin resistance, and improves cardiovascular function in obese rhesus macaques. Click Here
- Cycles of protein restriction improved memory and slowed advance of the Alzheimer’s-like disease in mice. Click Here
- Early Life Nutritional Programming of Obesity: Mother-Child Cohort Studies. Click Here
- Evidence of Brown Fat Activity in Constitutional Leanness. Click Here
Gut Microbiota
- Helicobacter pylori colonization suppressed weight gain in mice. Click Here
- RCT: A Mixture of trans-Galactooligosaccharides Reduces Markers of Metabolic Syndrome and Modulates Fecal Microbiota and Immune Function of Overweight Adults. Click Here
- The role of the manipulation of the gut microbiota in obesity. Click Here
- Changes in the gut microbiota of cloned and non-cloned control pigs during development of obesity: gut microbiota during development of obesity in cloned pigs. Click Here
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG improves insulin sensitivity and reduces adiposity in high-fat diet-fed mice through enhancement of adiponectin production. Click Here
- The effect of very low food intake on digestive physiology and forage digestibility in horses. Click Here
- The gut microbial metabolome: Modulation of cancer risk in obese individuals. Click Here
Body Composition
- Not all fat is equal. Click Here
- What distinguishes adipose tissue of severely obese humans who are insulin sensitive and resistant? Click Here
Clinical, Translational, Behavioral Science – Drugs
- The Obesity Society Finds HCG Useless for Obesity. Click Here
- Nomilin as an Anti-Obesity and Anti-Hyperglycemic Agent. Click Here
- RCT: Effect of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist on BMI in Obese Adolescents. Click Here
- RCT: Novel opioid receptor antagonist ALKS-33 in binge eating disorder. Click Here
- RCT: Osmotic release oral system methylphenidate prevents weight gain during a smoking-cessation attempt in adults with ADHD.Click Here
- Long-Acting Reversible Contraception and Type 2 Diabetes for Obese Women. Click Here
Clinical, Translational, Behavioral Science – Exercise
- RCT: Effects of Diet and/or Low-Intensity Resistance Exercise Training on Arterial Stiffness, Adiposity, and Lean Mass in Obese Postmenopausal Women. Click Here
- RCT: Physical activity and nutrition behavioural outcomes of a home-based intervention program for seniors. Click Here
- RCT: Web-based Intervention to Promote Physical Activity by Sedentary Older Adults. Click Here
- PodCast: Molly Bray on Obesity, exercise and epigenetics. Click Here
- Association between diet and physical activity and sedentary behaviours in British children. Click Here
- Effects of Rain on Energy Metabolism while Running in a Cold Environment. Click Here
- No sex difference in body fat in response to supervised and measured exercise. Click Here
Clinical, Translational, Behavioral Science – Food
- RCT: Giving Up Chocolate – A Strategy for Combating Hedonic Adaptation. Click Here
- RCT: Cocoa polyphenols enhance positive mood states but not cognitive performance. Click Here
- RCT: In a Comparison of Treating Metabolic Acidosis in CKD Stage 4 Hypertensive Kidney Disease with Fruits and Vegetables or Sodium Bicarbonate, those in F&V group lost more weight. Click Here
- RCT: The effect of two iso-caloric meals containing equal amounts of fats with a different fat composition on the inflammatory and metabolic markers in apparently healthy volunteers. Click Here
- RCT: Effect of breakfast skipping on diurnal variation of energy metabolism and blood glucose. Click Here
- Capsinoids and related food ingredients activating brown fat thermogenesis and reducing body fat in humans. Click Here
- Effect of fat and CHO meals on intermittent exercise in soccer players. Click Here
Clinical, Translational, Behavioral Science – Other
- The Burden of Guilt: Heavy Backpacks, Light Snacks, and Enhanced Morality. Click Here
- RCT: Effects of Experimental Sleep Restriction on Caloric Intake and Activity Energy Expenditure. Click Here
- Area-level deprivation and adiposity in children: is the relationship linear? Click Here
- RCT: Long-term Effectiveness of a Lifestyle Intervention in Severely Obese Individuals. Click Here
- RCT: Family intervention focused on effective parenting is associated with decreased child obesity prevalence 3-5 years later. Click Here
- Home altitude tied to obesity risk. Click Here
- Intergenerational educational mobility and obesity in adolescence. Click Here
- RCT: Therapist-led v. self-help parental intervention appear equally effective for treating childhood obesity. Click Here
Energetics, Ecology & Evolution
- Fat or lean: Adjustment of endogenous energy stores to predictable and unpredictable changes in allostatic load. Click Here
- Allometry of thermal variables in mammals: consequences of body size and phylogeny. Click Here
- Experimental demonstration of the growth rate-lifespan trade-off. Click Here
Longevity, Aging, Senescence
- Metabolic and cellular effects of calorie restriction and whey proteins in experimental obesity. Click Here
- Role of the hypothalamus in mediating protective effects of dietary restriction during aging. Click Here
- The prolongation of the lifespan of rats by repeated oral administration of 60 fullerene. Click Here
- Integrating Metabolism and Longevity Through Insulin and IGF1 Signaling. Click Here
- Hypothesis: Dynamic, periodic and spatial variation in indoor temperature (within and beyond the thermoneutral zone) will positively influence long-term comfort and health. Click Here
- Impact of nesting material on mouse body temperature and physiology. Click Here
- Stay cool and live longer? Click Here
Timing/Circadian Effects
- Time-restricted feeding of rapidly digested starches causes stronger entrainment of the liver clock in PER2::LUCIFERASE knock-in mice. Click Here
- RCT: Eating carbohydrate mostly at lunch and protein mostly at dinner within a covert hypocaloric diet influences morning glucose homeostasis in overweight/obese men. Click Here
Misinformation in Marketing
- Alkaline products promise health benefits with little proof to support such claims. Click Here
Research Integrity
- A proposal for reducing the effect of one of many causes of publication bias. Click Here
- Authors of observational studies often extrapolate their results to make recommendations concerning a medical practice, typically without first calling for a RCT. Click Here
General Science
- Opinion: Mutations of citations. Click Here
- Opinion: Communication Crisis in Research. Click Here
- Sam Klein honored by the Academy of Science of St. Louis for his obesity research. Click Here
- Mark Tremblay awarded Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Click Here
- Briefing: March 21, 2012 “Assessing the Economics of Obesity and Obesity Interventions”. Click Here
To directly join this list, please click here:http://www.soph.uab.edu/energetics/subscribe
Edmonton, AB