5As Of Obesity Management Workshops in Ontario

sharma-obesity-5as-booklet-coverHere just a quick update on upcoming workshops on the 5As of Obesity Management that I will be presenting for family physicians and allied health care providers in Ontario in the coming days.

The course offers an interactive workshop  incorporates the conceptual structure of the Best Practices in Weight Management document, the Canadian Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines and the 5As methodological framework to specifically address the needs of overweight and obese patients and improve practitioners’ willingness and efficacy in providing obesity management and counseling to their patients.

Family physicians can obtain Mainpro M1 credits for participation i this workshop.

Space is limited for these events, so please register early.

Toronto, ON – November 1, 2014, 8:00-9:30 AM

Keele Auditorium
2175 Keele Street
Toronto, ON
Cost: $Free*
For more information, please contact the bariatric clinic at bariatricclinic@hrh.ca

Kingston, ON – November 11, 2014, 8:00-10:00 AM

The Harbour Restaurant, Portsmouth Olympic Harbour Site
53 Yonge Street
Kingston, ON
Cost: $Free*
For more information, please contact Kristine Canty at: cantyk@hdh.kari.net

Ottawa, ON – November 12, 2014, 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

The Ottawa Hospital, General Campus, The Royal Room, 1st Floor
501 Smythe Road
Ottawa, ON
Cost: $Free*
For more information, please contact Shannon Porcari at: sporcari@toh.on.ca Click here to download the flyer and registration form

*Select Ontario workshops supported by the Ontario Ministry of Health