2016 – A Busy Year Ahead
Monday, January 4, 2016No doubt 2016 is going to be a busy year.
1) This year, the Canadian Obesity Network’s public engagement strategy – to become the voice of Canadians living with obesity will come into full effect. Following the ‘soft launch’ of the public website, subscriptions to the CON public newsletter is rapidly increasing. “Likes” on the CON Facebook page are fast approaching 1,500. I look forward to working closely with the Network’s public engagement committee to address obesity prevention and management through respect, knowledge and action.
2) This year will also see the continuing starts of Canadian Obesity Network local chapters across Canada. New Chapters will add to the current chapters already existing in Calgary, Hamilton, Toronto, Windsor and Gatineau-Ottawa. Find out more about starting your local CON Chapter here.
3) In May, the Canadian Obesity Network together with the World Obesity Federation will co-host the XIIIth International Congress on Obesity in Vancouver. For more information including preregistering of this conference click here.
Add to these activities all the ongoing obesity research and education activities and we’ve got a pretty full year ahead of us – I look forward to it.
Edmonton, AB